Sunday, July 24, 2011

Alchemy, Sorcery and Sibling Rivalry

Michael Scott may have a good one up his sleeve with his highly entertaining The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel series.

Spanning six books I recently got hold on four of the titles namely The Magician, The Sorceress, The Warlock and The Necromancer.

As a whole the series is great. For your standard child reader (like me) it has enough magic and even factual history to keep him or her engrossed and then run to Google or grab an encyclopedia to check if what he read was true. Another interesting thing is that aside from the two main protagonists (heroes to you) everyone else is either an an actual historical person like Nicholas Flamel and Dr. Dee. Even Shakespeare got tangled up in the whole thing (though I was rather disappointed in the way he was portrayed. He is a personal hero of mine Yes I am geek so just finish reading this.) One more noteworthy thing about the books is how seamless the "magical world" is put together as it is made up  of every main mythological reference there is. As a reader you'll get to meet gods from Egypt, India, Greece, Ireland and even Sumeria and all of them are locked in a bitter struggle over what to do with humanity.Character wise I like what Mr. Scott has done. You can never really know who to trust as the reader but there is one character you'll intensely dislike even after reading the first book alone and no, it isn't Dr. Dee. And speaking of Dr. Dee, Scott's villains are, well, there's only one word for it, cool. They're like spies, only they don't use guns but highly cool magic moves.

Overall its a nice read but not as fascinating nor truly deep as other books I read. The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel offers a few good reading hours however and I recommend it for everyone who is suffering Post-Potter Syndrome.


(P.S I know I know it took me awhile to update the blog but school has been eating me up lately but at least I was able to read up on a lot of other books as well so look out for a more posts as the weeks go.)